Hot Foil Stamping gives your stationery a brilliant look of shiny, pearlescent or matt foils. We use type and image dies which are hand pressed down onto the card leaving a textured imprint. There are many foil colours available to use on your chosen coloured card.


Silver Foiling
Personalised monograms may be designed
Metallic Slver foil in Mayfair
Modern fonts made in a custom plate
Shiny Silver Foiling in the Goudy Typestyle
Gold Coffe
Shiny Gold Foiling in the Goudy Italic Typestyle
foiled flourishes can enhance the design
Click Here for the pdf of imprinting images available.  
Foil Colour Available
Foil Chart
Pastel Foils

pastel foils

Typestyles available
Goudy Plain in 36point and 24point. Goudy Italic in 24point and 14point
Mayfair in 36point and 18 point


PDF Typestyles Samples



"Happiness depends upon ourselves". Aristotle